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Team – Light Therapy | Sun LifeLight


Team 2016-11-26T00:20:17+00:00

The Team

ID Photo 2Gary Grimard

Founder & CEO: More than 25 Years of technology leadership experience including business development, sales, marketing, product innovation and start-up methodology. Gary’s experience includes ownership of a technology sales firm he led to over $225M in annual sales. As a health, fitness and outdoor enthusiast, he is thrilled to be able to deliver such a life improving solution by simply bringing the sun back into our lives.



Alison ID Photo

Alison Todd LICSW / PhD ABD

Co-Founder & Product Advocate: Having over 20 years of experience as a Clinical Psychologist and behavioral health leader in Boston area hospitals, Alison focuses primarily on evaluation, research and advocacy within the client base to help evangelize the product and expand its success.



Our Extended Team (with thanks and gratitude)