Sun LifeLight to Demo at 2015 Consumer Electronics (CES) Show in Las Vegas
The First App-Controlled, Connected, Productivity Boosting Sunlight Delivery System Designed for Today’s Work Stations Will Demo at the #monster Products Extreme Tech Challenge Pavilion | Central Hall 12806 & 1281 BOSTON, MA – (6 [...]
Nearly 1 in 3 People Affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
A recent article in the Independent cited several sources who claim that as many as 1 in 3 people in the U.K. are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. According to the study by The [...]
Introducing Sun LifeLight: The First App-Controlled, Responsive and Connected Light Therapy Device Designed for Today’s Work Stations
With the end of daylight savings time, more and more workers find themselves falling victim to a variety of conditions caused by a lack of sunlight, most notably Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The LifeLight is a new app-controlled light therapy device that provides the recommended amounts and proper wavelengths of ”sky blue” LED lights to help counteract the onset of sunlight deprivation. A recently published study sponsored by The Weather Channel and YouGov, indicated that 29 percent of adults in the U.K. experience symptoms of SAD at this time of year, ranging from low energy levels, to low self-esteem and anxiety. Another study commissioned by Epson says that 9.6 million work days are lost annually due to Seasonal Affective Disorders.
Sun LifeLight to attend Channel 7/Boston Medical Center Health and Wellness Expo
Sun LifeLight will be exhibiting at the Channel 7/Boston Medical Center Health and Wellness Expo this coming weekend. Our booth number will be 534, right next to the Pet Pavilion. We hope to see you there!
Artificial sunlight desk-lamp startup aims to improve mood, productivity in the workplace
by Sara Castellanos Technology Reporter Boston Business Journal Sun LifeLight Inc., the Beverly-based maker of a smart desk lamp that aims to curb depression and improve productivity for employees in offices without natural sunlight, will [...]
Sun LifeLight to End Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Winter Blues Forever
Sun LifeLight, Inc., a Massachusetts start-up to launch the LifeLight, its light therapy system, on June 2, 2014, through the online crowd-funding site Kickstarter. The company’s LifeLight ‘sun light therapy’ solution targets a severely underserved [...]